Post by Captain Toothbrush on Feb 20, 2012 16:27:57 GMT -7
The White Queen Rules and Conditions
Note that Rules may be added or removed at anytime without notice. Please read through the rules to find the bold words for the Character thread password.
1) The White Queen is a thread based site, meaning you MUST follow the storyline plot. To read the story, click HERE. You must base your characters around the story line. Please note that this site has a first come first serve basis. This means that if someone came before you requesting a spot on the 1st, and you requested it on the 5th, it will belong to them, not you.
2) FOLLOW the rules, I’m normally a nice friendly person, but if you don’t follow the rules I’ll have to get nasty. This does include all of TWQ Rules AND all of the Proboards Rules and Conditions. This does mean that it is PG13, no exceptions! If you are found to be younger than you are, your account will be deleted.
3) Please be friendly, not everyone has the same standards as you and not everyone has the same opinion that you do. Do not take things to heart. IF someone is bothering you AND you have asked them to stop then you may bring a Moderator into the mix. Think of the golden rule for this one: Treat others the way you want to be treated.
4) T.W.Q does not approve of player harassment, cyber bulling, or condoning illegal acts of any kind. If you happen to see someone acting in such a way contact me or My Mods. Please read further in the rules to see the warning system. This warning system will be enforced if it needs to be, and we at TWQ don't want to enforce it, but if we have to, we will.
5) Rankings, there are many of them, don’t try to act above your rank, it could end up with your character being punished or a special ability removed or locked. The top member, the one that everyone follows and listens to is The White Queen, below her are the following leading ranks, The White Ace, and the Four Aces they rank in the following manner; Ace of Spades, Ace of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds and Ace of Clubs. This is the order of superiority, don't step out of line.
6) Teams, as you’ll read there are four teams, each one is a different suite of cards. The top team is the Ace of Spades, they are the leading team and get the most missions. Each team is filled with four members, Ace, King, Queen, Jack. Below them are their respected houses, Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three and two. PLEASE READ THE RANKING INFORMATION TO FIND OUT EACH JOB OF EACH CARD.
7) The White Queen members are called CARDS, the Society are called Society. Yes you can be a former Society member and join up with the House and vice versa.
8) Please if you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me (Captain Toothbrush) or any of my Moderators. We’ll gladly help you and we would love it if you could ask us questions instead of just assuming you know what you’re doing.
9) Sides, there are two sides, The White Queen’s House of Cards, and the Society. The house of Cards are the good guys, the Society are the bad guys. But that’s not saying you can switch sides, create drama, fall in love with the enemy and so on, all that neat stuff is perfectly fine. Just keep it real.
10) Warnings, Note that there are three types, the first warning is a one day ban of your account, the second warning is 150 days, and the third warning is a full year ban, and when you come back you'll be on probation, if you break your probation you'll be fully removed.
The Characters
1) NOT all spots are up for grabs, there are a few roles such as the White Ace and the Hidden Joker that will have auditions held and after the auditions have been deeply considered, the position(s) will be given out to selected people or persons.
2) Some spots can be doubled, others cannot. Please do not message me or my moderators asking for us to open up roles; or whine because a role you wanted is gone. That’s how things will be and that’s how things will stay, so don’t beg. If we notice that a role isn't being played for a long time, then we will take into consideration opening it up again for the spot to become available.
3) Creating your Character is important. Please fill out your character roster in the designated board. You must use any character you have created; you cannot just pop in as some random person. This will not only confuse us, but other players in the board.
4) Character Creation is important; please keep your characters within the timeline, plot and theme. Do not deviate from the story line. Any characters found to be out of line and are not following the set story will be deleted
5) Magic usage. Now it’s understandable, a lot of people love magic. So do I. But please! Do not go overboard with the whole magic is “I” crap. Keep magic realistic to a point, and keep it toned down. Meaning you can have an amazing ability to control wind, but using such a gift caused you to black out, go deft and so on. With every magic skill you have, there must be a weakness attached to it. So in short, if you are to have a magical ability, there must be an appropriate weakness to couple it.
6) Stamina, just like you, your characters cannot run all night with no sleep, never get tired from a battle and never run out of energy for magic. They are not superman, they are going to get tired, their magic reserve is going to get depleted, they are going to be grumpy and annoyed if they don’t get enough sleep. Keep it real people.
7) Your Character is Allowed to like who every they wish, be it male, female or both. We do not discriminate against anyone. Parings can happen at any time but know that we do wish to keep it somewhat realistic.
Your Character Journal Password is MyCharacterCreation
1) Posting, You have up to three months to make a post unless stated otherwise by me or my moderators. TWQ understands that there is such a thing called life out there and that may call at ill timed moments. Please if you are going away for longer than three months please let me or a moderator know. Or post in the away board, located in the General Board, so that not only us staff know, but your fellow role players know as well, and aren't thinking that you've up and left them for good.
2) Posting, posting can be as long as you like or short as you like, but as long as you post legitimate, readable post with proper grammar and spelling. This forum is Semi-lit. This means that you can have short posts like 50 words, but do not have this happen all the time, please, try to post as much as you can, it will give other role player's something to work with.
3) Romance, romance is part of this story, but try to keep it in line. I mean kissing, and hugging, a little touchy feely is all good and fun but as soon as you've got that urge then introduce blackout screen. Anyone caught not using the Blackout screen will receive a class two warning.
4) Please be patient with others. Not everyone can get on at the same time as you. So bashing them a new one because they didn’t respond to a post you made right away isn’t acceptable. This isn’t a contest on who can post the fastest
The Battle field 1) Fighting, fighting is a huge thing among other role players, please be advised that standard rules are applied. We want everything to be fair and that everyone stands an equal chance at winning. Below are the following Standard rules for Fighting.
2) A Mod must be present at any fight, it is YOUR duty to pm the Board Moderator and inform them that you’ll be fighting. It is not the moderators responsibility to watch and wait to see if a fight is occurring. They are there to make sure the fight pans out nicely and cleanly.
3). No auto-hitting, dodging; Follow the standard AD-HD (Attack Dodge hit/get hurt Dodge) You can attack twice, in one turn, dodge once and then hit once. If you are found to be auto-hitting, this will be considered as God-Modding and appropriate actions will be taken to ensure this doesn't occur again.
4). Do not act like a god, don’t act like attacks hurt. Everything hurts everyone has pain threshold. So open it up and let some pain in. Besides, it isn't fun if you don't get hurt. Well, for other players. This is what developing a story is about. Most importantly- no one is a god. So again, don't act like one.
5) Healing, some people will have healing abilities, so keeping that in mind. You cannot heal in a day. Take some time to recover get three or four healing sessions. Take your time to heal.
6) The Battle field is meant for fighting! Or going on missions. Please do not post nonsense in this topic. This includes items that are not related to fighting. Taunting is okay, but at least get a bit of action in.
7) We here at T.W.Q trust and believe everyone is a well mannered adult (give or take a few years). So when you start a Character Fight we believe you’re going to fight fairly. This rule is pertinent to the god-modding rule. You are no god, so don't act like one.
8) To make sure each fight is done fairly you’ll have to contact a Moderator to oversee said fight. It is not the Moderator's job to moniter fights, or to find one to oversee.
9) Any Character Fights not reported well be deleted and both parties will be given a level one warning.
10) Please keep all fights clean, this means no god-moding, no Auto-hitting, no auto-dodging. You’ll want to follow the simple system of Attack Twice Dodge once.
11) The Attack Twice Dodge once. This means you can attack your opponent twice, dodge one of his or hers attack and take one in turn.
12) Do not take fights to heart or out of the Battle field. Members seen taking any fights out of the battle field will get a level 1 warning. Please note that if a Character is insulting your Character it’s just that. They are not INSULTING You. So do not abuse the report method.
13) Keep in mind that a MODERATOR is watching over your fight.
14) You cannot kill an opponent unless it is agreed upon by one of the Moderators, and the two parties.
15) Please note that If you gave the okay for your character to die, they remain dead.
Conduct when using Magic or powers.
1) All characters have stamina, (Read the Stamina rules) so the more you fight, the more you get tired.
2) Magic and powers have their limits, for every spell or special power you use is going to be a negative effect on you. Take the Songstress Demon, the stronger her voice, the more deadly her migraines are. So if she uses too much power she’ll start to convulse and be in extraordinary pain. Every Character is going to have a different negative reaction to their powers.
3) Magic cannot kill someone right away; it’ll take time and a lot of energy. Energy is what makes magic work so be careful on how much you use.
Character Stamina.
1) Stamina is a big thing. All Characters have a set limit No character can go over that limit unless they buy the product to do so.
2) Each characters stamina goes down when they use character abilities. at the moment each character is only allowed up to three abilities. No more no less. There will be an option later for you to buy more abilities; but at the moment you'll have to settle for three.
3) Recovering, when using small amounts of stamina such as class three abilities that range form 5-2 stamina points, you can heal in under an hour. When using anything from 6-10 stamina points it'll well take at least an hour to recover. And when you are using 11-15 stamina points it will take a full day to recover.
4) Plan your battles, because one you run out of stamina you'll faint. NO IF AND BUTS ABOUT IT. Sorry but just like the real world you over exert yourself you'll collapse.